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Packing Peanuts

Movers Warehouse's "loosefill" is Florida's choice for high quality styrofoam loosefill package cushioning.  Our unique "W" shape allows each piece to interlock and provide the maximum in cushioning resilience. When your customers want the least expensive way to ship their packages, styrofoam is the best choice.

This anti-static product is packaged in 20 cubic foot bags. It is also available in pink for the electronics industry. Each piece is reusable and recyclable.

Displaying products 1 - 1 of 1 results
Anti-Static Packing Peanuts - 150 Gal / 20 Cubic Feet Bag (Volume Discounts)
Price: $37.98
Anti-Static Packing Peanuts - 150 Gal / 20 Cubic Feet Bag (Volume Discounts)
Large 20 cube / 155 Gal Bag - Huge discounts on volume. This item is for local pickup or local delivery only. We DO NOT ship this item out of our area or surrounding counties.
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