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Anti-Static Packing Peanuts - 150 Gal / 20 Cubic Feet Bag (Volume Discounts)

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Price: $37.98
Local Pickup or Local Delivery Only
Item Number: PEA-20CU
FREE Local Delivery on Qualified Orders.
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Quantity Discounts

3 to 5$36.08
6 to 10$35.13
11 or more$33.42
 Anti-Static Packing Peanuts - 20 Cube / 150 Gal Bag Size.

This item is priced for SMALL and VOLUME buyers.  Customers in the local area (in and around  Hillsborough County, FL) will receive FREE local delivery as long as the minimum order requirement is met.  

  • A 20cu bag is the largest size we carry and the largest size produced.  A master unit is a factory direct bag with 20 cubic feet of peanuts and has a total weight of 4.00 to 4.04 pounds.  The size is equivalent to a 150-gallon bag, which is nearly the size of three 55-gallon barrels.  A single bag will take up the entire back seat of a standard sedan or SUV, so be prepared if you're picking up.
  • We have 3 possible pick-up locations.  Apollo Beach and two Riverview, FL locations, so pick the location closest to you and we will have your peanuts ready for pick up.
  • Free Local Delivery:  Orders of 15+ bags can be delivered FREE of charge anywhere in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Manatee, and Sarasota counties.  The 20 cu bags are too large to ship through standard couriers, so local delivery or pickup is the only choice on this item.

Are we the BEST price?  Do the math.  U-Haul for example charges $4.95 for a 1.5 cubic feet bag.  To buy the same of amount of peanuts that we sell in a 20 cubic feet bag, it would cost you at least $65.00.

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