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Air-Flow Vented Stretch Film

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Price: From $51.25 to $131.25

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Air-Flow pallet wrap is a stretch film with die cut holes for ventilation.  Air-Flow is a proven alternative that services the agricultural, industrial and manufacturing industries.  Air-Flow comes in two die cut variations: Air-Flow Standard Film and Air-Flow Premium.

Air-Flow pallet wrap, an amazing stretch film with die cut holes for ventilation.  Air-Flow reduces spoilage that conventional stretch film can cause by eliminating condensation build up on the inside of the pallet wrap.
All Air-Flow items with the exception of Air-Flow 1 are SOLD by the ROLL.  Air-Flow 1 is sold 4 rolls per case.

Air-Flow I - Die-Cut, Vented Pallet Wrap with Extended Core Handles for Hand Applicaiton
Sizes Available: 17" x 1,000' / 4 rolls per case / 50 cases per pallet
Air-Flow II - Die-Cut, Vented Pallet Wrap on 3" Core Handles for Hand Application
Sizes Available: 17" x 3,000' / 1 roll per case / 90 cases per pallet
Air-Flow III - Die-Cut, Vented Pallet Wrap for Machine Application
Sizes Available: 17" x 5,000' / 1 roll per case / 40 cases per pallet
Sizes Available: 17" x 10,000' / 1 roll per case / 60 cases per pallet
Air-Flow Premium - Die-Cut, Vented Pallet Wrap, can be prestretched up to 200% using existing prestretch equipment.
Sizes Available: 17" x 3,100' / 1 roll per case / 40 cases per pallet
Vented pallet wrap targets produce, dairy, beverage and frozen food industries.
Can Air-Flow Solve Your Problems?
The following are examples where innovative packaging distributors solved their customers packaging problems.  This resulted in increased sales, loyal customers and the satisfaction of a job well done:

Problem: Products are boxed and palletized when still warm. Condensation forms on the inside of the cling film and deteriorates the boxes.

Solution: Place pallets in cool down/holding area for 24 to 36 hours, or wrap the pallets with Air-Flow and eliminate the time and expense of the holding area.

Problem: A product has excessive moisture when produced and has to "cure" prior to being stretch wrapped

Wrap the pallet in Air-Flow and let the curing take place in transit.

Problem: Film breaks when tested on stretch wrapping machine.

Machine is probably set for stretch film with 150+% pre stretch.  The best way is to change the pre stretch setting to 30%.  Some machines will require a gear ratio change to achieve this 30%.  You may want to switch to Air-Flow Premium which yields 200% stretch.

Problem: Customer wrapped pallet and the load did not hold up during shipping.

Air-Flow needs to be stretched more.  Try to get a minimum stretch of 15% while wrapping. If a customer by-passes all of the rollers there will not be any stretch to sustain the load.  Depending on product being wrapped, the customer may need to use a different grade of Air-Flow (Heavy Duty or Premium).

Problem: Customer cannot find the beginning of the roll when hand wrapping.

When finished wrapping a pallet, the operator should walk away from the pallet three feet, grab, cut and tie the film.  Their needs to be a little more care to wrapping with Air-Flow instead of stretch film to keep from wasting product.

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